9 клас

Дорогі учні! Опрацюйте всі ці завдання до початку навчання в ІІ чверті!

See you in September! Have nice holidays and stay healthy!

Дорогі учні! 21.05 виконайте всі інтерактивні сторінки, в тому числі к/р, якщо ще не виконали! Це ваші додаткові високі бали (там не складні завдання) 😉

1. https://www.liveworksheets.com/yv65ni

2. https://www.liveworksheets.com/fu23254cp

В кінці натисніть 'FINISH', 'Email my answers to my teacher', заповніть рядки (в рядку 'group' введіть ім'я та прізвище)

Якщо ви відправляєте скрін, фотографуйте оцінки!

Activities to do up to May, 20

Reading Comprehension

Listening Comprehension

Text 2 (завдання лише в тексті!)

Writing Comprehension

Dear students! During next week you are going to have 3 end-of-term tests: reading, listening and writing. Get ready for them carefully!

Activities to do up to May, 18

Do all exercises from this page. Remember to write only the answers!

Activities to do up to May, 15

1. It's an application form today. Complete SB 95. Remember to write only the answers.

 2. To make your application form revise Interrogative Present Simple

3. Complete WB 74.

Activities to do up to May, 11

1. Watch and read about the 11 most unusual dangerous sports.

2. Make your list of top 5 most dangerous activities.

3. SB 89: read the text; write out new words and find their translation; do all exercises.

4. Complete WB 74.

Activities to do up to May, 07

1. Let's remember what relative pronouns are.  Watch the video and study grammar from the SB 93.

Вживання відносних займенників:
where (де, куди) – talking about places, 
who (який) - talking about people, 
which/that (який) - talking about things.

2.    Do here exercises 2-4. Remember to write only the answers.
3. Complete WB 73.

Activities to do up to April, 30

1. Let's talk about health.

2. Watch the video 1.

4. Listen to CD33 exercise 1 WB72

5. Listen to CD34, exercise 2 WB72

6. Listen to CD35, exercise 3-4 WB72

7. Complete WB120

Activities to do up to April, 26

1. Let's refresh your vocabulary. Work with SB 91 exercises 1-3. Write only the answers as usually.

2. Complete WB 71.
3. Finally, the test.

a) follow the link;

b) do the tasks;

c) click 'finish';

d) click  'Email my answers to my teacher'.

You can send me the answers till Monday, April, 27!

Activities to do up to April, 24 

1. We start a new grammar now. It's 'The Second Conditional' (умовні речення 2-го типу).
The Second Conditional - нереальна умова, пов'язана з минулим і теперішнім, в українській мові невід'ємна частка "б". На приклад:
Якби я мав BMX велосипед, то був би найкращим трюкачем.
Watch the video about using and formation of The Second Conditional.   Do here exercise 9, 10.

2. Study SB 90 and do exercises 2-5.

3. Complete WB 70.

Good afternoon everyone! Here is your Easter test. Don't forget to send me your answers on my email bushtinka@gmail.com at once before 2 o'clock!

a) follow the link;

b) do the tasks;

c) click 'finish';

d) click 'Check my answers' or 'Email my answers to my teacher';

e) take a screenshot with the result.

Activities to do up to April, 17 

1. SB 88: exercises 1, 2, 3.

2. Complete WB 68.

3. SB 89: read the text;

            write out new words and find their translation;

                  do all exercises.

4. Complete WB 69.

Good afternoon everyone! Here is your vocabulary test. Don't forget to send me your answers on my email bushtinka@gmail.com at once before 2 o'clock!

a) follow the link;

b) do the tasks;

c) click 'finish';

d) click 'Check my answers';

e) take a screenshot with the result.

Good afternoon everyone! 

1. Now we start the last unit 8 of our book. This is the world of healthcare, illnesses and diseases. And as usually, first we work with the vocabulary from WB 112. 

If you don't have WB, here is the page.

2. On Friday at 12 o'clock you will have test on vocabulary (words) to do until 13.00. You MUST send me the answers on my email bushtinka@gmail.com at once before 2 o'clock!

Good afternoon everyone! Here are your activities to do. Don't forget to send me your answers on my email bushtinka@gmail.com at once before 2 o'clock!

1. Read the text and do exercises. Remember to write only the answers!

2. Do all exercises from this page.

Good luck!

Dear students! On Friday at 12 o'clock you will have test exercises to do until 13.30. You MUST send me the answers on my email bushtinka@gmail.com at once before 2 o'clock!

So you have time to revise vocabulary and grammar. Get prepared well! 😊

Time for fun during holidays!

Activities to do up to March, 31st

Let's start with this:
    read and do exercises 2 and 3.

1. Do exercises on WB 64 and 119.

2. Make your dialogue on the model exercise.

3. Grammar explanaition of First Conditional:
a) watch a video here
b) do exercises 2-3
c) work on WB 65.

4. Read the text WB 66 and do exercises.

5. Work on WB 67.

6. Write a letter on the model text of exercise 2. Choose the topic A or B from exercise 5. Don't forget to use phrases from exercise 1.

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